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Re: REV: Rosie of North Seattle
Re: REV: Rosie of North Seattle -- Rick98101 Post Reply Top of thread Board
Posted by: bigspanker ®
12/26/2004, 18:41:48

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Two questions are emerging,

Does HWP apply vertically or horizontaly, if horizontal then I'm in like flint. Also, is Rick98101 Rosie? It seems odd that the reviewer is doing all the answering for the provider as if they were the provider.

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Replies to this message

Re: REV: Rosie of North Seattle | goodknight | 12/26/2004, 19:50:25 |
Goodknight is right: review reads like her web page (no text) | star__gazer | 12/27/2004, 05:59:15 |
Re: REV: Rosie of North Seattle | Rick98101 | 12/26/2004, 20:32:07 |

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