What I found
�I believe she is part of a NIKI Rip Off Squad operating in the Seattle area
Here is a website telling you about them http://www.angelfire.com/droid/seattle/nikiwarning/index.album?i=1&s=1
Posted on TRB
�On google I found this
�Seattle escort - Jordan
... meeting a memorable one. I appreciate serious callers and look forward to
meeting with you! $250 cash / session. Jordan 206 447-8067.
www.eros-seattle.com/ads/se-niki19-jordan1.htm - 4k - Supplemental Result -
The link is dead BUT�..
See the se-niki19-jordon1.htm� at the end???
�Dead give away that she is hooked up with the NIKI Rip Off Squad
�You will NOT find any legit Ladies on NNW it is basically just like the Seattle Weekly�.full of rip offs
�Please be careful