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Re: I'll give you / Are those.....
Re: I'll give you the 10th one free....... -- spunky Post Reply Top of thread TRB Board
Posted by: crookedstick ®
2001/03/30, 10:30:56

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US funds or Canadian. I want this offer notarized. I expect it to be on my desk no later than Monday morning. 8 am sharp. Go ahead, admit it, you don't think you can handle me.
Can you?? I will give you a 2 out of 3 falls match. And then we will see who's the Spunky one. Stick

PS You can call me by my first name Mr.

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Replies to this message

That's 'US' for you....   | spunky  |  2001/03/30, 10:47:23  | 
Re: That's 'US' for you.. Actually I...    | crookedstick  |  2001/03/30, 11:03:28  | 

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