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Re: Nicole Lace and Jude from vancouver coming to seattle questions.
Re: Nicole Lace and Jude from vancouver coming to seattle questions. -- unholypirate Post Reply Top of thread TRB Board
Posted by: insideu ®
2001/03/31, 13:25:51

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Jude and Nicole have both been in their share of fights on the Van board. Nicole has pretty much dropped off the board, at least not posting as Nicole. She knows when to shut up, and got tired of the BS. As for Jude, she don't know when to shut up, but has calmed down alot. I've been with Jude, and can't really say anything bad about her service, and seems to get good reviews, but her jealousy for the younger girls came out on the board. As for Nicole, she came blasting on the board in a very negative way towards the guys, but quickly learned it wasn't the best thing to do, and started kissing up. She has recieved good reviews, although the last one seems questionable, and time perfectly before the announcement of coming to Seattle. Nicole looks a little older from what I've heard, but you Seattle johns don't seem to mind that, so it shouldn't be an issue. I'm not trying to sound innocent in all this, I've battled it out with both of them(which some may already know). Besides, they both hate me, so they can't be all that bad!

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